Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

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Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by Tiger »

S!~ All,

I am very sorry for the delay, but I am going to have to postpone the campaign until Monday, 10 November 2008. I have a number of things I need to do to the Manchuria 1945 campaign before it will be ready. And, I feel that some explanation is in order.

Normally, when running an event, you would have everything ready to go and then contact other squadrons to participate. In retrospect, that's what we should have done here. To give you a little background, =AVG=Warren came up with the concept, and he set out to generate some interest. Warren is a good pilot, and a good flight leader. He is also a good Operations Officer. But, he is not a map builder or server operator. So, he has come up with a great concept, but he had no knowlege of what it would take to make the concept a reality. And, neither did I when I authorized him to promote the event and organize the teams. We allowed ourselves well over a month to get prepared, but it is taking longer than that.

It has taken some time to figure out how to run the server, FBD2, FBD2 Stats, and the Dynamic Campaign Generator together. Originally, we were going to use IL-2 Server Commander to run the server, but then I realized there was no way to score the campaign. So, back to the drawing board I went. Once I got the server, FBD2, FBD2 Stats, and the Dynamic Campaign Generator running in harmony, we began to work on the Manchuria Campaign. Warren's concept was quite different than the stock Manchuria Campaign, and to implement his concept means having to now learn to create custom campaigns within the DCG. That is the process that I am involved with now, and I am very close, but I am not quite ready. I do expect to be able to begin the campaign on Monday based on the progress that has been made over the last two days.

I do apologize for the delay, and I would like to thank everyone for their patience as we work this out. When we began contacting the various squadrons regarding participation we had no idea how involved it would be, or how long it would take. We intend to provide you with an awesome week long campaign just as Warren had envisioned it, and we are working hard to make it a reality.
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by ScrewBall »

Yes, it's a great concept, and it can work. I have some experience with the FMB, so if there's anything I can do to assist, ask and ye shall receive. Looking forward to flying in this campaign, now that I have some experience flying without GPS (thank you , Joint-Ops). Keep on pluggin', Boss.

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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by {FKR}MADCAT »

We appreciate the difficult task you've taken on and the Hurculean effort you've given the campaign thus far. Excitment is still at a fevered pitch over here, and we look foward to the war when it is ready. This will also give some of our pilots a chance to participate since the original dates conflicted with their schedules.

~S~ Tiger & =AVG=

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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by Aaron »

~S~ Tiger and AVG

Anything Aaron can help with? Does aaron need TS to help?

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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by RCAF_FB_Goose »


If we can help?
We are at your disposal.

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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by RCAF_FB_Delta »

~S~ i would like to say thank you for all your hard work.This will be lots of fun!!! I just wish it would start on a thursday or Friday.its hard for me to make it monday thru wendsday nights do to work. ~S~ RCAF_FB_Delta

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Re: Manchuria 1945 Campaign postponed until 10 November 2008

Unread post by Tiger »

S!~ All,

First, let me say that I appreciate the offers to help with developing the campaign. =AVG=iP0ke was kind enough to research the Dynamic Campaign Generator, build the road system, and explain to me how it is done. I have it worked out now, and all I need to do is place some stationary objects and add some tank columns. We will be ready to go again at 0001 hours on Monday, 10 November 2008.

Delta, the campaign was supposed to last an entire week rsather than ending on Wednesday, so you should have no trouble participating this time around. I was able to determine what caused the premature conclusion, and steps are being taken to prevent it for next week's campaign. However, it will still be possible for the campaign to end before 0001 hours on Monday, 17 November 2008, but nearly as likely.

I do appreciate all of your interest, and your understanding, as we work the bugs out of this campaign. I expect that things will run quite a bit more smoothly for future campaigns, and there will be many.
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

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