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Post by Derring »

Beerthirty wrote:When I installed Teamspeak 3 it installed into C:\Program Files (x86).

Odd, I have XP64:
TS3 is a 64 bit application and installed in the 'C:\Program Files' folder.
TS2 is a 32 bit application and installed in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)' folder.
This is correct.

I'm not sure what's up with Beer's installations.
Unless there are different versions of TS3, 32 bit/64 bit.
I'm pretty sure TS2 is only 32 bit => 'C:\Program Files (x86)'

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Post by Tiger »

S!~ Derring,

I was hoping he was going to tell us that it was installed in C:\Program Files and it would be an easy fix.
Colonel Tiger
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3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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Post by RAF209_Beer30 »

I have Windows 7 Premium home edition 64 bit.
After some further checking I have discovered that Teamspeak 3 installed itself in both C:/ Program Files and in C:\Program Files (x86).
As I noted in another post Windows 7 does not even try to install TS2. I just get a window which imparts the following message:
Error loading Hawlvoice library (hvdi.DII) Maybe not installed?
And,yes, TS2 is only 32 bit.


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Post by J9_Dredge »

Howdy all. New to the boards, just reading up and getting ready for Midnight :) Saw that you had TS troubles so I figured I would make my first post a helpfull one. This is full on step by step to include where and what to click to DL so if anyone else is going to get it they can go through all the steps: (thanks to Linked from leetgroup.org)

Downloading the setup file

1) Navigate to http://www.teamspeak.com.
On the left side of that page you'll find "Free Download"-button.

2) On the page that opens you'll see the available clients for download.
We want the installer so we click "Download" on the most top line.

3) Scroll to the bottom and click "I agree" to begin download.
Save the file where ever you want to, I saved it on my desktop.

Installing the software

Now follows the actual installation of the program, if you know how to install a program by clicking next-next-next, skip to 16).

4) When you open the setup, it'll ask if you want to install it. Click "Yes".

5) The welcome screen, click Next.

6) Next is the User Agreement. Select "I accept agreement" and click Next.

7) Now you need to select the install folder, I'll use the default what it gives me on Windows 7 (64bit).

8) Select the place for creating Start menu shortcuts, or choose to not create them at all.

9) Select/unselect the creation of desktop icon for TeamSpeak 2.
I leave it as default.

10) Review of chosen settings before installing. Check that they are right and click Install.

11) Now it's time to install required codecs for TeamSpeak. Click Next.

12) Codecs' installer tells what codecs were installed (you should get pretty much the same than in the example picture). Click Next.

13) Codecs were successfully installed. Click Finish.

14) Now you'll see the Changelog of TeamSpeak (no need to read it if you don't want to). Click Next.

15) Setup completed! Choose if you want to start TeamSpeak right after clicking Finish or not, then click Finish.

16) To ensure the best experience with TeamSpeak:after you see that it's working you should close the program.
Then go back to 2) and on the second line you'll see the TeamSpeak 2 Client (Updated Executable), download the file to your computer (as you did before with the setup file).

After downloading navigate to your TeamSpeak installation root folder.
(Defaults are 64bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamspeak2_RC2\, 32bit: C:\Program Files\Teamspeak2_RC2\)

Replace the old executable with the newly downloaded executable.
Now you're running the latest version of TeamSpeak 2!

Hope it helps.

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Post by Hamlet »

~S! Tiger Sir, last night(10 jan 11) I try in vaine to access W~OF~W but there was a messg. The comm. with the remote hoste lost.Reason:(CTR=2 Fail) Time out 1. I wait for one hour , same messg. This morning I try againg same results. Please advice.~S! Hamlet

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Post by BigO »


What username are you entering the game with?

You are registered or WoW as =AVG=Hamlet, and anything other than that name will get you kicked.

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