Quick & Easy - 5 Patches to 4.12.2m, 10 Patches to 4.13.4m

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Quick & Easy - 5 Patches to 4.12.2m, 10 Patches to 4.13.4m

Unread post by Tiger »

S! All,

With our down & dirty guide to all things IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946, you can get to 4.12.2m in only 5 patches from your disk (4.07m) and then add HSFX 7.0.3. You can get to 4.13.4m from the disk in just 10 patches, and all of the links in our nifty patching guide work. I've just added the 4.10.1m Mega Patch so you can skip the first 5 steps, and also added the No CD Patch to get you up and running IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 as quickly as possible.

Update IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Install HSFX
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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