IL-2 Server Commander 2.03

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IL-2 Server Commander 2.03

Unread post by Tiger »

S!~ All,

For anyone who cares to use it, I have modified the old IL-2 Server Commander 2.02 software for use in the Wings~of~War tournaments. The changes are listed in the ReadMe file, quoted here;

Code: Select all

IL2 Server Commander 2.03

Changes in version 2.03
IL2SC database scripts updated 
if you install IL2SC for the first time then you must use the MakeEmptyDB.sql script to create your database. Then, use UpdateDB.sql script. If you are updating your database from version 2.02 then you can just run the UpdateDB.sql script.

1. Updated syntax in MakeEmptyDB.sql script from TYPE=MyISAM to ENGINE=MyISAM

2. Updated UpdateDB.sql script to include aircraft and loadouts in IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 4.11.1m

3. Updated Data files to include objects in IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 4.11.1m

4. Included IL2SC Stats module in the IL2SC2.03.ZIP file

5. Stats module modified to display pilot's total score on the "Overall Statistics" page

6. Stats module modified to display a score for each sortie on the "All Sorties" page

7. Stats module modified to display "Unknown" targets (moving objects) on the "Pilot's Statistics" page

8. Stats module modified to display "Unknown" targets (moving objects) on the "Missions" page

9. Update GeoIPCountryWhois.csv file
IL2 Server Commander 2.03 can be downloaded here;

IL2SC 2.03
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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