US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

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US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Rebiv4 »

Apparently, it has finally happened: Razgriz has moved on to bigger targets.
NEW YORK – With both engines out, a cool-headed pilot maneuvered his crowded jetliner along the Hudson River and ditched it in the frigid water Thursday, and all 155 on board were pulled to safety as the plane slowly sank. It was, the governor said, "a miracle on the Hudson." One victim suffered two broken legs, a paramedic said, but there were no other reports of serious injuries.

The plane, a US Airways Airbus A320 bound for Charlotte, N.C., struck a flock of birds during takeoff minutes earlier at LaGuardia Airport and was submerged up to its windows in the river by the time rescuers arrived in Coast Guard vessels and ferries. Some passengers waited in water up to their knees, standing on the wing of the plane for help.

Police divers had to rescue some of the passengers from underwater, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. Among those on board was one infant who appeared to be fine, the mayor said.

In a city still wounded from the aerial attack on the World Trade Center, authorities were quick to assure the public that terrorism wasn't involved.

Helen Rodriguez, a paramedic who was among the first to arrive at the scene, said she saw one woman with two broken legs. Fire officials said others were evaluated for hypothermia, bruises and other minor injuries.

"We had a miracle on 34th Street. I believe now we have had a miracle on the Hudson," Gov. David Paterson said.

RAMROD HAS STRUCK A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER! His anger and hate has spilled into the national airways and we're all in trouble now. Apparently he took the form of a goose and flew into the fan blades and they destroyed the engine...

He is a threat that must be contained! Watch your 12 co-alt boys...if you see something small flapping it's wing, it may very well be your turn!

Oh, and they say that no terrorism was involved, but I'm leaning toward the belief that the bird was sympathetic with Al Qaeda and may have trained at one of their Poultry Camps in the mountains of Western Pakistan; his goal being to free his brothers and sisters from the death camps of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Iowa.

Images of the possible leader of this terrible hate camp have been released:


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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Trouble4u »


You may be on to something. Or just on something! either way, I like the way you think.

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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by k43_8mm »

not to worry those New Yorkers will do anything for a lil attention!
Hey Remember when a airliner landed in the Sanfrancisco bay! perfect landing just a little short of the runway and it never sank stayed perfect as people also used the wings for rescue. no injuries at all! fog was the blame but hell he mighta had poor eyesight :twisted:

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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Rebiv4 »

Well you gotta remember, those wing tanks store a lot of fuel and they're buoyant under pressure. Not to mention the fact that the cargo bay is secure and water would have to take some time to get in. And, the fact that the plane landed without going under and then back up is quite amazing. That pilot was an ex-Air Force pilot who flew F4's in the '70s and now he's the head of a security firm that models security in other fields on "The most safe industry in the world - airline travel!"

Ironic, aye?

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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Jolly »

Rebiv4 wrote:Well you gotta remember, those wing tanks store a lot of fuel and they're buoyant under pressure. Not to mention the fact that the cargo bay is secure and water would have to take some time to get in.
In addition, a nifty gadget that most airliners have is a "ditch switch." This device, once engaged, automatically pressurizes the underbelly of the aircraft in order to ensure that it stays afloat long enough for all the passengers to egress.

Ahh, the wonders of modern aviation.
Major Jolly
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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Razgriz_37 »

I had somethings to do with it geez, what makes you think i would be outside on such a cold day, if i had any sense i would plot that on a warmer day.
=AVG=Lt. Colonel Razgriz_37
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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by SNA2007 »

If the plane submerged while landing, I doubt it would have come back up, the forces would have torn apart the fuselage. Landing on water is like skipping a rock on the pond. Keep the gears up and keep as much of the suface area of the tail end down. If the nose or a wingtip catches, the plane can cartwheel and then you are in a world of hurt. Exellent job by the pilot for quick decisions. No doubt he saved lots of lives. Had he attempted for an airfield and failed, there may have been many more besides just the ones onboard.
Major SNA2007
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1st Pursuit Squadron, =AVG=


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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Wailwulf »

=AVG=Jolly wrote:
Rebiv4 wrote:Well you gotta remember, those wing tanks store a lot of fuel and they're buoyant under pressure. Not to mention the fact that the cargo bay is secure and water would have to take some time to get in.
In addition, a nifty gadget that most airliners have is a "ditch switch." This device, once engaged, automatically pressurizes the underbelly of the aircraft in order to ensure that it stays afloat long enough for all the passengers to egress.

Ahh, the wonders of modern aviation.

For the Hudson River landing, yes above is helpful. For the San Francisco Bay, I believe at most (not counting the ship channels) is 25 feet at high tide. When it is low tide, one can see mud for maybe a mile from the shore line. I am amazed at how different the bay looks between high tide and low tide when I cross the San Mateo Bridge.

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Re: US Airways Jet crash-lands into Hudson River...hmmm!

Unread post by Space »

Landing at SFO is always a pucker-fest. The first time I landed in fog, we were comfortably on decent when, all of a sudden, there is a fishing pier outside my window! :shock:
Colonel SpaceGnome
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