Wings~of~War:Singapore 1941 Restart

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Wings~of~War:Singapore 1941 Restart

Post by Tiger »

S!~ All,

First, allow me to apologize for all of the rescheduling of these last two campaigns. As you already know, we're using a Beta version of the DCG and I have been struggling with some of the new MDS settings. That, and the DCG has produced some unexpected results over the past several days with persistent AI aircraft. I finally found a solution to the AI issue. And, although I had canceled Singapore 1941, I have had many requests to fly the campaign provided that I could find a solution. So, by popular demand, we will restart the Wings~of~War:Singapore 1941 Campaign at Midnight Eastern tonight, Tuesday, 8 February 2011. It will run until Midnight Eastern, Tuesday, 15 February 2011.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I do not anticipate having issues with Battle of Britain 1940 for next month as a good deal of time has been spent testing the campaign. Hopefully, from this point forward, we'll be able to settle into a routine.
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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Re: Wings~of~War:Singapore 1941 Restart

Post by Decker »

Lots of fun on the restart. I managed a kill without firing a shot. :o I was out of ammo and glued myself on RCAF FB ChuChu and eventually caused him to mess up and put his plane in the dirt. He tried like hell to shake me but it did not work. Thank you for this restart sir. Felt like crap tonight but was able to put in a few sorties. Thanks again and I look foreward to a lot more flight time in the server. S!

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Re: Wings~of~War:Singapore 1941 Restart

Post by RAF209_Benge »

I rather liked the made it more like the REAL campaign know massive amounts of Japanese bombers attacking Singapore unceasingly..(I actually looked forward to flying against those odds)...and I thought the point of a 24 hr/7 day campaign was to make it that immersive...not a namby pamby, no AI...wait until nobody is in so you can bomb the snot out of stuff or load the server up with your own guys and cap the tar out of everything.

Sorry TIger I am sitting this rest of this one screwed twice because of restarts over silly things that actually in happened war (such as ships colliding) in Midway now in Singapore (massive waves of planes)...I'll wait and see on Battle of Britain, (So you remember RCAF the Germans sent massive waves of bombers in the Blitz too are we gonna complain when the server does it too?).
Wing Commander C.K.Benge
Commanding Officer

209 Squadron
Royal Air Force

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