RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

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RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Colslaw »

I was just shot in my chute by Speedy long after I had bailed and just before I would have landed.

It is nice to see RCAF continue to be the players I expect of them. The only saving grace is not many of you are actually Canadian
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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by S.L.N »

There are a few of them whom I honestly respect as pilots and competitors, most of you bring a very childish sense to a game that most of us fly because other games are littered with immature brats. Although it may be true that there are few (if any) rules regarding the wings of war campaign, but if you need rules to tell you shooting a defenseless rival is a no no than I'm not sure where you got your ethics from. It may be true that the purpose of wings of war is to simulate war, but it is not actual war, and by your actions I am led that many of you do not feel the way I did before the beginning of the campaign, that we were friends although unofficially. All this said, however, shoot me on the ground all you want, pop my chute, I will not resort to these tactics, why? Because I have my own sets of rights and wrongs and I'm not going to break them just because others dont fly the way I want. I dont need written rules to tell me how to behave.
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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by RCAF_FB_Blood »

I try, i say again, I try NOT TO kill a bailed out pilot. That being said I am sorry to zombie, was hot on his six and steady pulling thi trigger, didn't see his canopy, thout it was a part i shot off his plane. Then i seen the Body and then it went limp. I apoligize for that Z-man. Now as for the chute killen. Somebody on the blue team, I don't know who but i seen it, killed Bozo the same way. He was out of his plane, chute was open and was watching the action when a german turned around and shot his chute. So I guess it goes both ways, some do some don't then there are liget. accidents. ~S~ all lets try not to get into a pissen contest as to who did what and some such stuff ok. ~S Blood out

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Schwack »

Is there any reason for a pilot not to immediately refly after bailing, except to watch the fight and, presumably, provide tactical intelligence to his squad still in the fight? In such a scenario, that pilot could still be considered to be in action and to be a threat to the other side. He is able to have a clear view of the battle without being concerned about being attacked himself.

I was not present for either engagement, but it sounds like this could have happened both times. If so, in my humble opinion it would be justified. If all threats had been neutralized, and the pilot is shot to kick him for 15 minutes and remove another pilot objective, that is pretty lame. Take credit for your airplane kill, and give the other pilot credit for being able to escape. If a pilot is shot in the process of bailing, that is fortunes of war. The opponent cannot be expected to know the pilot is bailing, nor to see the canopy in the heat of battle.

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Colslaw »

Once more i was just shot in my chute before I would have landed in the water by either BaBoon or Phil ... and once again my opinion of RCAF drops ever lower.
Lt. Colonel Colslaw

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Python »


I saw this and when I said it was not sportsman like I was told Col was shot because he was watching . I never shoot a player once he bails I think it is unsportsman like. But when I responded that I would do it from now on I was told agreed by someone in the RCaf. I don't like to get into these discussions or debates and I like fighting against the RCAf i think they are very good pilots but I do not allow my squadron to shoot pilots once they bail if all posible I think it is ver unsportsman like. However you all think or train even thou I think it is wrong I will continue to fly with honor and not shoot a pilot that has bailed.

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Decker »

I have ben shot in my chute as well but I refuse to stoop as low as that and shoot someone in thier chute. I have had a few times where I could but I just think it is very unsportsmen like and refuse to do so myself. I will take my death and try to fight back in 15 minutes. I will give it to them, they have some good pilots and even some good tactics as far as using only a few pilots at first and then bringing in alot more when they realize there is opposition. Well played. War is war but you need to respect each other.

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by Colslaw »

RCAF have no respect for the game nor the rules. Their previous tactic of flying in the other sides aircraft to scout out targets shows me that they are in it to win at all costs as long as something is not specifically listed as not allowed.
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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by RCAF_FB_BigCat »

I dont shoot people in chutes either but come on Coleslaw. I was there. You were hanging in your chute for a long time. Either spotting for your team or hoping some one would shoot you so you could complain about it. There was no other reason for you hanging in it for so long. I dont ussually post on here but this is getting out of hand. All you guys have to do is not invite us back if we are so dishornable. This is really getting old. Just fly among yourself and you can call your own team mates fuckers and asshole on the server like you do to us know. You talk about honor your name calling is more dishonoring to people then just having fun in a simple game like this. And on a last note. I have been shot in my Chute a number of times while playing this game and I dont resort to name calling. I just wiat my 15 min and come back in. This is not real. This is a game. for people to have fun. If you think you can have more fun without us. So be it. We will just walk away right now. Tiger just let us know what you want us to do.

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Re: RCAF_Speedy brings dishonour to an honourable name

Post by S.L.N »

I was on comms with colslaw when this event occured, he was not relaying information, he had stepped away from the microphone for whatever reason. Perhaps you ought learn the whole story before making assumptions.
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