Excellent Sorties

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Excellent Sorties

Unread post by SNA2007 »

Great job to Tiger, Trouble4u, Warren, and Razgriz. You guys flew excellently as a team. I think we had something on the order of close to 20 kills for two losses for all the missions we flew. One loss was due to a mid-air so, great job. Most of our sorties, the enemy didn't even scratch our aircraft. Everyone did what they were supposed too and radio verbage was correct and concise. Everyone's SA was good and by calling out your positions and intentions, it allowed every pilot to know where the other was without visually aquiring him. Every aircraft we went against was more maneuverable but what you showed is that what Redjoy and I emphasive isn't theory, put proven and I think the younger guys are having it come together. Special recognition goes to =AVG=Warren who was the top ace of the night. Good kills Warren as well as the rest of the team. Everyone in the squad scored at least two aerial victories.

Some items to go over for next time.

-Flaps: They can help and hinder you especially if you jam them. Now I am being extremely nit-picky because this was very close to a flawless mission. Four sorties flown, two without any enemy hits on a single friendly aircraft, it was near textbook. But, if you are going to use flaps, make sure you know your speed and configuration. Jamming them inhibits your ability to fight effectively especially to escape when need be. So, for next time, use your flaps cautiously and judiciously. When you no longer need them, pull them up. Example, if you are entering a dive, put them up. SOP for next time will have a jammed flap aircraft depart the fight, and circle in an overhead position calling out enemy aircraft positions that are above the fight. Once the element leader or flight leader has given the order to disengage, the damaged aircraft will depart the area first with the rest of the flight reforming and taking overhead positions. The wingman of the damaged aircraft will circle above him and provide retreating cover. The damaged aircraft will land at the nearest suitable airfield clear of enemy hostilities. The flight leader/element leader will lead the flight in the most direct path that will keep the flight, once disengaging (for bingo fuel, low ammo, or any other situation that restricts the operating capability to effectively engage) clear of enemy action. Once the damaged aircraft is safely on deck, two aircraft maximum will descend to land. The last two aircraft aloft will do one last sweep of the airspace to ensure its clear before commencing their landings.

-Formation: I was lagging so the spacing was good, but if redjoy or someone else is flight lead, work on tightening up the formation at least for transit in friendly terroritory. Not only does the formation look cool and work on your precise airmanship, it is an intimidation factor for any single enemy who wants to tango. If you saw, by the end of the night, some people choose to run rather than mess with the AVG. If find yourself falling behind, trying to increase your climb rate is not the trick. You have to lower your nose and build up speed before trying to climb again and climb shallowly. This will let you catch up.

-Overhead protection. Good overhead protection, towards the end of the night though, there were some instances were everyone was down low and we got surprised by high targets. Teamwork stayed strong and we were able to counter them effectively. However, lets make sure for next time we have at least one guy overhead. Several times we nearly got ripped to shreads from being suprised from the high six position.

Other than that, excellent sorties and teamwork. See you in the virtual skies, SNA out.
Major SNA2007
Squadron Training Officer
1st Pursuit Squadron, =AVG=


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Re: Excellent Sorties

Unread post by Tiger »

S! Sir,

Thank you very much for the compliments, and for taking the time to work with us. This past Thursday night was the best night that I have ever had flying IL-2 online. I really enjoyed flying as a cohesive unit and being so effective. I didn't even want to quit when I had to leave at about 2:45 a.m. my time. I was pumped, and I wanted to keep flying. Like Trouble said to me earlier, we were having such a great time we didn't even realize that you were teaching us until the next day. We were having a great time and learning all the while.

I'm looking forward to doing more and more of this type of flying as we gain more experience. And, I really liked the idea of allowing different members to take flight lead for the experience. I would like to see that continue as well.

Thanks again!
Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


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