4.08m, 4.09m, UP1.8, & HSFX4.0

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4.08m, 4.09m, UP1.8, & HSFX4.0

Unread post by Tiger »

S!~ Mr. P,

I'm assuming that you received IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 version 4.07m (out of the box). So, you'll need to update to version 4.08m first;


Then, you'll want to patch to 4.09m which has just recently been released;


Now, for MODS we're sort of in transition, but for the dogfight servers it looks like Ultr@Pack 1.8 will be the most common;

http://il2ultrapack.net46.net/index.php ... 308.0.html

NOTE: Before you download History SFX see the last link I posted.

For Scorched Earth Online Wars (SEOW) History SFX is the MOD of choice;
Installation Instructions for History Mod Version 4.0

1: Patch il2 Sturmovik 46 to Full 4.09m
Detail : The History Mod version 4.0, requires an install of Il-2 Sturmovik 1946, plus Patches 4.08 and 4.09.
No other previous Mod Patches are needed. Version 4.0 includes all the Mods released from the beginning,
plus the new content for version 4.0.

Patch 4.09 - The IL-2 4.09 Patch is available at http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 9861059397

IMPORTANT : For user's with previous versions of The History Mod and any other Mod packages installed,
the Version 4.0 Installer will delete the previous versions Files and Mods folders and all files, as they are
no longer needed, because the content is now all contained in Compiled SFS files.

If you want to keep these folders, you should rename them, or move them before running the Installer.


2 : If you downloaded IL-2 (Digital version), instead of installing from the CD, get update Patch.

Detail : If you have the digital download version of il2 Sturmovik 1946, and have not installed from the CD,
you will need to to download and apply this patch :- http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3302
You should do this, before installing Version 4.0.

3. Download the Installer files.


Detail : The Version 4.0 Installer has been split into multiple 500 mb. files. This has been done to reduce the
possibilty of file corruption when downloading. Also if a downloaded file is found to be corrupt, it reduces the
size of the file that you must re-download.

The files to be downloaded are ;

HSFX_Version_4.exe - 500 Mb.
HSFX_Version_4.W02 - 500 Mb.
HSFX_Version_4.W03 - 500 Mb.
HSFX_Version_4.W04 - 321 Mb.
Part2_Ver_4.exe - 500 Mb.
Part2_Ver_4.W02 - 500 Mb.
Part2_Ver_4.W03- 247 Mb.

This is a very large release, but that is because it contains all Mod content from the very beginning.
We intend that this will be the last regular release for some time and we will try and avoid any further
releases in that time with the exception of correcting serious problems.

You will need to place all seven files in one folder to run the installer, as they are in actuality one large file.

NOTE : You do NOT need to execute the file Part2_Ver_4.exe. It will be executed automatically by the
installer itself. Because of the size, we had to split the installer into two parts with the part 1 executing
part 2 automatically.



1. The downloads are via Torrents, much faster than via FTP. First you need to download uTorrent,
which is the software for downloading via Torrents.

First, the beginners guide ;


Second to download uTorrent itself ;


follow the instructions, easy and fast.


2. Then access either of these torrents.


The files will be mirrored on several other sites. As those sites go on-line I will update this readme with each of the mirror sites.


A small untity program, to calculate "hash sums" to verify the file downloaded, can be downloaded at
- http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/index.htm

The Hash Sums, so that you can check for a corrupted file during downloading are ;

HSFX_Version_4.exe - CRC 32 - fd57402e , MD5 - b2f1110ab7307a564c83d86416c1e643
HSFX_Version_4.W02 - CRC 32 - cef128d7 , MD5 - b790994f76ebb1e9184d092dfc659300
HSFX_Version_4.W03 - CRC 32 - 7c7c5403 , MD5 - 2130d70b7e35a465a1ad3d4619f10053
HSFX_Version_4.W04 - CRC 32 - a48ac069 , MD5 - 83b9b8f3d079a8f7c5961ba317b85138
Part2_Ver_4.exe - CRC 32 - 2ef843d9 , MD5 - 7579efad42f0f80184288fb9c7af64b5
Part2_Ver_4.W02 - CRC 32 - 99ae4db9 , MD5 - 46e4118a2b2792ce802b627f70aacecb
Part2_Ver_4.W03 - CRC 32 - 2713e78a , MD5 - 91641cc5e84c0005f71bb66fda27259f


4. Ensure that when the installer asks for which folder to install Version 4.0 into, that you point it
at the folder for the Il2 Sturmovik 46 directory you want to update.

The installation itself takes up to about 5 minutes depending upon your PC.


5: Look on your desktop or in the il2 Sturmovik 46 folder for JGSME.exe

In JGSME you will see several options on the left. The important one is to enable is the

(apply it so that it moves from the Left window to the Right)

You are now ready to run IL-2 HSFX Version 4.0.



This is a ‘unified’ set of additions.

Providing all players use the same it is possible to play on servers with Checkruntime =2 enabled. So that we
have security and also know that others are playing with similar set up.

IF you download & add other components or in other ways alter the content of your own install you will quickly
no longer have an identical install to others or the co-op servers and you will loose the ability to join in our
missions there.

This remains a WIP and if you notice anything that it may be possible for us to improve or incorporate, please
post on the relevant forum.


(you can get some different GUI languages now from AAA without affecting compatibility if you wish, so if you
wish to see menus in another language look here :- http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=59 )


Sound: -

Recommended that you Switch your in game sound to 22Khz !!!

The game will run fast and sound good. There is no advantage whatsoever in choosing 44Khz although you
have the option (unlike usual Soundmod versions which CTD).

Samples are 22 khz. mono and the presets use the SFX 0.8 system. (So this is the SFX system using 9.3-file
structure & naming for maximum compatibility.)

In my view this is the most resource friendly and directional way that you can run the sound. Its faster and
clearer and more importantly uses less system resources, This sounds & runs faster than sound mod 9x
because that uses 44khz stereo samples which are nearly 4 times the size, il2 was never intended to play
stereo samples anyhow and it doesn’t do it very well.

A 22 khz sample is of slightly lower quality, however very few people are actually able to tell this difference
and what you are hearing in il2 anyhow is a complete ‘soundscape’ and not just a single sample.

(by SG2_Wasi)
Many samples and much of the sound engineering by Tiger

Readme’s detailed readme’s by the authors are contained in a new
HSFX V4 Tools & Read me's folder created during the installation.

Graphics: -

Recommended that you enable S3TC compression in your graphics card setup !!!

Launch il2 Setup, select Video tab, Choose Custom. Check ARB texture compression box and then select
S3TC compression.

The mods have increased the amount of textures and their sizes considerably and this really helps those
with older PC’s and graphics cards to avoid a CTD during mission loading or game launch.



HSFX v4 gives the user a few options depending upon preferences and Hardware:-.
We have used JGSME to do this as its simple.

To turn ON any of the below options :-
start JGSME
and move from LEFT to RIGHT :-

To turn OFF any of the below options :-
start JGSME
and move from RIGHT to LEFT :-

Perfect Map Textures

Beautifully retextured versions of most of il2’s default maps by VpMedia, LAL_Rhone and Gilb57 (winter textures).

These look lovely. And if your PC can run il2 in ‘Perfect’ graphics mode, it is definitely worth using this option.

If you use this option and don’t play in ‘perfect’ you may possibly experience imperfections & little glitches on
some of the maps.

If you don’t use this option your game remains compatible with others who are running the textures but the older
maps will look ordinary.


6do MOD for TIR users (Shr)

Allows 6do in il2.
Turn it off currently to join the SEOW co-op servers.


Advanced engine management:- (II/JG51-Lutz)

What this does:-

Engine warm up sequence
Ensure that you have turned magnetos on. Start engine and idle for several minutes until your engine gets up to
temperature (about 50o C). If you do not do this, you will see an 'Underheat' warning and will suffer engine

Advanced Engine Torque
Planes are effected a lot more realistically by engine Torque.

Negative G loads engine damage
Aircraft performing negative G manoeuvres over sustained periods will get an 'oil pressure' warning and then
will start to suffer engine damage. (although WWII aircraft often had pressurised fuel systems and injection,
the same was not true for the oil systems.)

Advanced engine management does not directly change Olegs FM's. It creates an overlay in effect that
implements the above features.


Realistic Bomb and Torpedo Characteristics (Maraz)

Torpedoes have to be dropped from realistic heights and at realistic speeds and have to run through the water for
a certain time to arm.

Bombs have to fly for a minimum of 2.5 seconds to arm. They also suffer from dispersion, the greater the height
the more pronounced this becomes.

See read me


Carrier Takoff Mod 5.3.3 (fireball)
See read me

This alters the carrier line up sequence and allows a lot more aircraft to start on carrier decks.
It has been made compatible with Certificates AI 3.0.

Inclusion does give more options as again online server are divided over whether they use it or not.


MovingDogfightServer (Zuti)

I am pretty sure that we are going to see more and more of this online in the future.
Included so that you have the option to experiment and join these servers.

This includes Certificate AI 3.0 and also Carrier Takeoff mod. Currently it will override Cumulative Ship
damage logging but that’s something we could correct if we ever ported SEOW to use this format.

(see enclosed sample MDF missions in read me’s folder )


Atmosphere mod V1 (Zloy Petrushko)
See Windconfig & Atmosphere readme.
Allows setting of wind strength, direction and turbulence in missions. These updated version also gives turbulence
beneath clouds and definable wind gusts.


Atmosphere mod V3.1 (Zloy Petrushko)
See Windconfig & Atmosphere readme.

V3 also simulates propwash when you get behind another aircraft.

Atmosphere Mod is optional because we have noticed a few problems currently:-

i) Either version may cause online ‘jitter’ but we need to test this, it may currently be that test servers
were not running it and it would be ok if they did?.

ii) V1 & V3 ai aircraft have a lot of problems with turbulence and keeping formation in specific
circumstances. Ai also cannot take account of wind whilst bombing but you can compensate in FMB.

iii) V3 propwash continues from aircraft after they have landed on carriers.

This is great and works well but its drawbacks decided us to leave it as optional currently. You have
the option and can switch it on or off. (the BOB server will be adopting V3 so switch it on if you wish
to fly there.)


Full Josse’s cloud Mod.

The Full Josse !

The default effects are also based On Josse’s effects but are a little lighter so increase performance and give
similar visibility to others online.


Dgen offline campaigns:-

These have been fully updated by Potenz and enjoyr (integration of commercial and user made campaigns).
You have to have bought the user made material or you may hear a beep and it will not run.

Enable to play with HSFX.

There are a huge amount of skins available for the above but these are not included, you can get these from
Mission4Today website under enjoyr Dgen campaigns .


Stock 4.09:-

In normal circumstances just disabling all of the options with JSGME (moving to the left side) should return
you to stock 4.09.

If all else fails try this Switcher. (NoCD exe included).


New Content in Version 4.0


Game performance increases

SFS Files

The IL-2 game engine was designed to store and retrieve it's resource files (graphics, sounds, java code) in a
compressed format in SFS files. The Mods, up until now, have stored their altered files, in uncompressed files,
many thousands of files ... and in a multitude of graphic formats, many that are non-native to IL-2 and have to be
translated by the engine before use. This has slowed game load times dramatically, and become worse in each
Mod release. User's with average PC's have seen load times recently of 4-8 minutes.

Version 4.0 now uses SFS files to store all Mod files in a compressed format, a huge saving in storage space, and
all graphics files has been converted to formats that are native (faster, smaller) to the IL-2 game engine. This change
dramatically reduces the game load times so that they are now close to standard Il-2. This also increases in-game
performance over all previous versions of the Mod.


Java Code corrections (242Sqn_Chap)

Many of the Mods included up to now have had literally hundreds of Java errors. This has been caused by coding
being altered without an assessment of the full impact of the code changes, in all scenarios. It's a tribute to the
design of the IL-2 game engine that it could cope with the hundreds and hundreds of errors being generated while
running previous versions of the Mod packages, and still run with most users completely unaware of all the errors
being generated. These errors did have a cost though, in game performance, as the game engine runs routines to
determine how to respond to the error and still continue executing the program.

All the Java routines, from A to Z, have been completely and thoroughly debugged in Version 4.0, including anything
that was appearing in the log 1st file. This work is a significant contribution, along with the SFS files mentioned above,
in the dramatic increase in performance in Version 4.0.


GUI changes

Old style IL2 Sturmovik game menus. (Fly Zo)


SaveMissionParams_1_0 (Fireball)
See read me.

If you build and edit missions using any special mod commands, add the described line to your bldconfig.ini and
IL-2 will no longer delete your settings when you re-open the mission in FMB.


128 Player co-op (FC)

This version includes the code that allows up to 128 players in an on-line coop mission. The actual number of
players that play without excessive lag and micro pauses, etc. depends on the performance of the server that is
hosting the coop.


Hidden Co-op Slots (UF_Fernand)
See read me

The server stores two prefix’s and players that join the server with the correct prefix’s only see aircraft for their
own side in the selection screen. Also aircraft types are removed in the in-game S menu. This preserves the Fog
of War in a more realistic way.


Bomb Bay Doors (Fireball)

All aircraft with Bombay doors have to open their Bombay doors. Map this new key in your control.

Adds new key combinations if you so wish

Also controls specific server side views .

See enclosed BombBayDoors_Plus_v2_README.txt and make SURE that you map a key to
Open/Close Bombay doors.


Ai V3.0 (Certificate)

An improved version of the AI routines for the AI controlled aircraft.


Carrier Catapult Mod (Fireball)
See read me
Taxi forward to the catapult track on carriers with them. Put chocks in and you will snap to the catapult track.
Throttle up and deploy flaps etc, when you release chocks the catapult will go throw you forward.


Radar for Ground and ships (Maraz, Manu & 4Shades)
See SEOW read me

This allows placement and operation of working Radar networks within missions.

For ground networks you have to place Radar chain High and Radar Chain Low stationary objects or ships with
working Radar, ( all Carriers, Cruisers and Battleships + later US Destroyers) into the mission and then a
Radar Aircraft (parked) for the Server.

Data is then outputted to the Radar display pages of the SEOW mission planner.


Ship damage Logging (Shades & Fc)

Outputs damage to ships to the Log file so that SEOW can parse cumulative ship damage between missions.
(note:- this currently only logs ship vs ship and ai vs ship but it is still a great feature, we hope to include player
damage at a later date.)



AI Planes that are now Flyable.

P36’s, MS 400’s , Me 210’s & a bunch of other aircraft are made flyable by default, in addition we have added
in the following:-

B17 D,E,G
B5N2 Kate & B6N2
Bf110 C4 & C4B
Blenheim MkI & IV
DB3 Russian medium bombers
G4M2 and Okha
Gladiator MkI & II
HS 129 (cockpit mk V by Ranwars & Chap)
Ki21 I & II
Macchi 200 Mk I & 7
Mosquito MKIV
Nemen R10
SB2M-100 & 103

All but HS129 originally by PeaceLovinHippy & Lt.Wolf

Although almost all of them have been extensively reworked by us or by others since.


New Aircraft added to IL-2 with the Mod.

Beaufighter Mk X
B29 Silverplate
Bf 110 G4
FW190 A3
FW190 D11 & D13, 1945
Spitfire MKI
Spitfire XII
Spitfire XIV’s
Hurricane Mk IID
Mosquito XIV

Above by: -
Mr Jolly (Class editing)
Ranwers (Model Alterations and texturing)
Zeppo & Vpmedia (Skins)
Hunin (Flight Models)
Fatduck & DrJones (3d conversion)

(plus sometimes….Waggle Flushy, Zorin, Howlin)

P36 A2 & Mowhawk IV
PBN5 Catalina
Fw190 A7’s

by LAL_Josse

Tempest Series 1 & 2
These are ‘hybrids; of Josse’s Load outs, Hunnins FM’s Ranwars sliding cockpits.

109 F1
190 D5 /Torp,3
I-15 M-22, 1934 & I-15 M-25, 1937 = Early fixed wheeled I15's.
I-16 Type 5, 1935, I-16 Type 10, 1937, I-16 Type 17, 1938, I-16 Type 18 (2xBS), 1939, I-16 Type 27, 1939,
I-16 Type 28, 1939
Yak7 Bubble top
Yak 3N
Yak-1 PF, 1942
Yak-1 PF Light, 1942
Yak-1B early, 1942
Yak-9M early, 1944
Yak-9U early, 1944
La-5F early, 1942
Yak-9DD, 1944
MiG-3 field mod, 1941
HurricaneIIa, 1940
Spitfire Va, 1941

All by Blitz & Chameleon (Aviaskins Russia)

Lagg Series 1, 1941
Lagg Series 11, 1941
He-111H-16, 1943

All by By_Rudi

Douglas DB-7 ‘Boston mkII’
Breda Ba65 (ai only)
Beaufighter MKI
He-111H-21, 1944
F80C (based on Flatikens Wing meshes)

by Chap

SeaHurricane 1b & IIc

By Maus

Spitfire 1b
Spitfire IIa
Spitfire IIb

Updated Spitfire Va and Hurricane IIa (new FM’s by HSFX team)

By Anto

New Bf 110 variants
C1 C7,D, E, F

By SAS_Cirx (fm’s by EnsignRo )

Bf109E1 & E3 (Veltro) (Cannon canopy updates)
Spitfire Vc Fb’s ‘’
SpitfireVIII FB’s ‘’
Cr42 Bombe Aleri ‘’
Seafire MKI & II.’s (updated versions) (Veltro & Gitano)
Original Bf109 F2B & F4FB classes. (Veltro & Gitano)
Hurricane tropical versions (GCT_Veltro )
Bf109's G4 & G2t,G4t & G6t (tropical) versions.
(Cannon:- Tropical filter , GCT_Veltro Classes, Chap AHS integration)

Ju88A4 Torpedo variant. ( 6S.Maraz , _1SMV_Gitano , char_aznable)
TBM-1 Avenger, 1942. ( 6S.Maraz , _1SMV_Gitano , char_aznable)
Ju88C6 Dayfighter (Importation & java 6S.Maraz )

Swordfish (6S.Maraz & 6S.Tamat)

DH82A TigerMoth (Ranwars & Kumpel)
(Note This aircraft is for Fun, it does not have a fully developed DM so not recommended as an online flyable)

RWD8 2.0 (Ranwars)

MosquitoVI Coastal Command

HalifaxBMkIII (Chap & Ranwars)

Yak7Uti (Ranwars, Blitz & lefty)

B24J with full load outs (EnsignRo)

Recon 109’s (DZZ)
Transport TB3’s

Miles Magister M14 (RAF_Magpie) (Superb)

P2V5 Neptune
F9F2 Panther (Flatiken) (Extremely high quality work !)

Bf109 ‘Erla’ later series
C3 variants
Plus improved LOD (Anto)

n.b. The Bf109’s have become pretty complicated and its really hard to keep track of just exactly who did what:-

Hun in the Sun, Gordano, Veltro, Maus, Anto & Cirx certainly have each done a lot of work over time. Each
improving and building.

I have used Anto & Cirx versions ‘mostly’ in the final incarnations as they have benefited from over a year of
development and are the culmination of all that has gone before.


Plane Cockpit retexturing: -

Hurricanes & Spitfires (Avala)

PBY & Catalina (Ranwars !)

Fiat G50
A20’s (All positions) (Tyrl)

Mosquito (Fly Zo)

Ju88 (bolox )

P47’s (Taurus & Poncho)
Retextured P47 engine & wheels external (Thirdeye)

F6F Cockpits retextured. (Fly Zo)

i16 Cockpits (Mangas)

i153 (Bee)

Yak Cockpits & La Cockpits (Mangas)

U2VS Cockpit (AAA_Kumpel, Ranwars, Mr Jolly )

Fw190’s (Capt Flushgarden)

The 109 cockpits have undergone complex evolution, they are a modification of AHS (Hun in the sun)
but developed & simplified, with new textures (by Freddy) but then cut down by (Hades) to correct
the sun shining through Alpha’s problem.

Ju87 & He111 (der-blaue-max)

Ki61 (mane & updated by SAS_Cirx)

Zero Cockpits (Der Wurstenfuchs)

Ki-84b & c (200th Sakagawa)

GB Gladiators (Chap)

Tiger Moth & Magister Cockpits (Ranwars, English gauges Chap)

Final retexturing of the FW190,
109 and Spitfire cockpits. (C6_Claymore)


Updated and Improved Aircraft:-

All AI aircraft made flyable have enhanced FM’s, usually this is just the addition of glide and stall characteristics
and revised weight and wing area data wherever appropriate…although in some cases it has had to be more
exhaustive. (eg most of the 4 engine Heavies) We have also worked up the FM’s of some of the new aircraft
when we have thought them to be wildly wrong. (eg the Me410 was way off research data.) This is a constant
WIP. Olegs player FM’s are sacrosanct of course. (The HSFX team)

Bomber gunner positions correctly named wherever possible in net code. Updated gunner cockpits in most of the
AI made flyable bomber with guns of correct nationality, cleaner positions and more appropriate turrets in many
cases. Fire extinguishers added to the US heavies. (Chap)

There has been a lot of incremental improvements to a whole variety of thing’s, this is difficult and takes a lot of
time and effort.

New Hurricane, Tempest & SeaFury Canopies Open (Maus & Veltro)
New 109, All Fw190 & P40E,M Canopies Open (EnsignRo)
Bf110G4:- improved 3D and Schräge Musik site. (Maggot & Slow)

BlenheimIV Glass Nose and Norden (BY_Rudi)
Li2 Bombsight

Zero updates (Japancat)
Zero Skins (RZ)

Ordinance Mods:- Highly detailed bombs (Mostly Zorin)
Japanese Ordinance mod (JG53 Badger)

There is so much here that it is extremely difficult to list it all individually, if we find something that could be better,
we do it and it runs into many hundreds of items over the life of HSFX. Check out many of our bombers to see
this difference.

Hakenkruz enabler (Brigstock)


Gun sights & Mirrors: -

FW190 Bar removed (Fucida)
Spit Vc cockpit position lowered (Total spoon, Veltro & Gitano, Chap integration)
Macchi 202 reticule correction
Zero cleaned reticules (Fly-Zo)
F6F F5 & Hellcat Mirror ( PeaceLovinHippy)
P51D’s mirror added (PeaceLovinHippy & Lt Wolf)
MkII gyro gun sight for Spits 44+ ( Mr Jolly)
Askania gyro gun sight added to Ta-183 ( Mr Jolly)
New Gun sights for P47’s (Poncho)
P38 Gun sight improved (Poncho)
Fw190 Tinted Revi’s (Cirx)
Updated US Reticles (NWD)


New Effects: -

High Rez oil blotch (Avala)
Gunfire flash Effects 2.1 (Vpmedia)
Improved Tracers (ZG2Rainer Zufall)
New Fire effects & Realistic Blackout (Fly)
Landing lights that no longer shine through wing. (nightshifter)
Destruction mod makes some static objects tougher (eg trees and destroyed ones are now replaced by stumps)
and also makes some ships guns destructible (FabianFred).

Lots of smoke and dust effects & damage and destruction effects refined. In some cases we have actually removed

Final perfection by C6_Claymore with a little help from SAS_Cirx

UFF_Josses Environment effects (slightly lightened)
High level stratos and mist effect and optimised fog and other cleverness.

Ambient Gunflash toned down by SAS_Cirx


New Default Skins:-

By Vpmedia, Kristorf, Mongoose, Tchaika, Imme, Greg Boyington, CanonUK, RONNCO & many more…J

New Default Pilot skins by Elephant


Clouds & Wind: -

High altitude stratos effects (Vpmedia, LAL_Rhone)
Low Cloud height Mod allows new settings in FMB

We have used a cloud version by OlegPetrushko. This looks good and also gives good performance.


New Maps:-

Zuti’s Airfield Friction Mod v3.0
This is a great tool, lightened versions of Centmed, Malta, Lybia and Lower Burma are included in this version
and Slovenia is built upon this. This makes it possible.

See full read me

Flight Test Map (Brian Bury)

The Slot (Team pacific FA_Cheech etc)
ffb_Thailand (FabianFred)
LowerBurma (CzechTexan)
NTL_Darwin (Neil Lowe)
Midway (populated) (Panzerkeil)
Midway expanded (242Sqn_Cat)
Philippines 2.0 (Delvpier)
(detailed Philippines location names) (352ndOscar)

Channel Map beta (Cannon)
Channel 1940-41 (Cannon)
Channel 1942-45 (Cannon)
Channel 1940-41 Winter (Cannon)
Channel 1942-45 Winter (Cannon)

Kt-Channel DF map (Kapteeni)

Finsgulf (Kapteeni)
Finland Online (Kt) (Kapteeni)
LAL_Normandy 43 & 44 (LAL_Rhone)
Slovakia Winter map (may-bug)
Slovenia Map 1.35 (Zuti)
Gothic Line (Brigstock)

Italy, Greece, Africa (Redfox_69)
Sardegna (Redfox_69)
Malta (6S.Maraz)
CentreMed (6S.Maraz)
Libya NE (JV_69)

Sinai (delvpier)

Madagascar (Agracia)

El Alamein (Viking)

Map Retexturing

Perfect map textures option (Vpmedia)
Some alternate Seasonal variants (Gilb57)
LAL_Kursk and LAL_Provkharovka (LAL_Rhone)
LAL_Crimea multiseasons (LAL_Rhone)
LAL Okinawa Map (LAL_Rhone)

New Map Objects:-

Bridges and Dessert objects (exported from TOW) (DLV).
Note:-Added damage box’s to the Houses and Camels but some of the other features do not have them.


New nations & Squadron:-

Gaston has added a lot of new nations and some squadrons for many existing nations.

RA, ANR , SAAF, 12th & 15th AF OOB’s. (Veltro)

Updated VVS & LW formations (researched by Brandle)

Canadian and Full RAF & LW BOB OOB’s (Brigstock)
***Only use the new nations and squadrons online when you are certain that all others also have them.***


Ground Objects:-

Ship pack 2: - Introduces a lot of new stationary and moving ships. (FC & Archie)
Char Aznable (Soldati)
Miker (Indomitable & reskinned Essex class + another ?)
Chap (HMSFiji & Tribal, Littorio Battleship)
Cat (IJNHiryu, Kaga & Soryu plus reskinned Akagi)

Tank Pack One (Chap)
Commonwealth:- VickersMKVI (mg tank) M3Lee Crusader CrusaderAAA (a 44 'Hobarts' funny )
Italy:- Fiat 13 & M15 Light tanks. Fiat M40 & M42 SPG's
France:- HotchkissH35 & RenaultR35 light Tanks. SomuaS35 Medium tank.

Many new tank texture (Boser.)

New vehicle Models:- (Wfly).

Beautifully improved desert versions of M4a2, Valentine, Matilda UK, PzIIIj and Pzivf2 & PzVIE
Completely New M3Grant Model & also M3A1.
These have radio aerials, lamps, headlights, fuel drums and fine detailing, really an insight into how good armour
can look. Note you will not see these in FMB but the Summer versions, however on a Desert map you will see
them when you play the missions. (this is the same for all Desert vehicle textures & Infantry...many in game
vehicles do now have these but the FMB does not show them, but they do show during the missions.)

German & Russian Trucks retextured (rofl)

New Vehicles
FireEngine, FireTender. NAAFI wagon, RAF and new US Bus. Civilian
Trucks and Cars. Fiat Truck (LAL_Rhone & Chap)

Tougher Bridges and Trains (Chap)

New columns types

Columns and Trains updated to use new AAA types

Extremely Tough coastal artillery emplacements
Warning, the 15” guns can defeat a Battleship !

Edited armour values & speeds for many vehicles & tanks, a lot of small edits but all values are now in line with the data provided here:-

Armour that no longer fires at Aircraft (type specific) (Brandle)
Armour Spacing now 24m without Radios 96m with Radios

(Wargs) range calculations adopted.

The above technics alterations improve playability and the solid methodology further reflects actual capabilities.

Train Mod, trains retextured. (LAL_Rhone)
Hanger pack 2.0, over 100 new buildings (LAL_Rhone)
Fortifications mod (LAL_Rhone)

Cumulative Ship Damage Logging (FC & Chap)

Ground radar (Maraz, 4Shades based upon original code by LesniHU)



FC (Idea & Initial classes and 3d) Delvper (TOW object conversions) and Chap (Development and il2/SEOW
integration) using some skins by LAL_Rhone.

New Infantry types that move and fire.
These are not perfect but are optimised to work with the SEOW system.

Moving infantry are available under the new Infantry option in FMB in 1,2,3 & 4's.
Most types are also available as Stationary Artillery.

These will move and fire. At close range <100m's they will also use explosive weapons so they do have some
capability against Tanks and other hard armoured vehicles.


Think of Infantry as representational rather that ‘exact’, this is similar to almost any war game.

Infantry are tougher than they should be, it takes about 10 7.6mm shots to kill a group of 3. (but they cannot hide
or use cover in il2 as they would in reality).

The follow on from this is that each group of 3 in game is loosely representational of about 10 men:-
4-XXInfantry is equivalent to a platoon.
3-4 X 4-XXXInfantry, a Company
9-12 X 4-XXXInfantry, a Regiment
36 X 4-XXXInfantry, a Brigade
100+ X 4-XXXInfantry, a Division
(it differs from nation to nation but you should get the drift.)

Firepower is representational also, The capabilities of the AT sections representing not only AT weapons, but
other explosives like grenades, Satchel Charges and Mortars indigenous to almost all armies of this period in
some form.


Mission naming:-

The underlying il2fb.exe is Russian although all of the menus have been changed to English (or whatever you chose
under language).

For this reason if you wish to play old missions you must rename the mission properties files:-

briliantmission.properties would be your mission.

Change the missions properties files to:- brilliantmission_ru.properties and you will then get the briefings back in


Additional Downloads:-

Download FULL 4.09 skins.

It is really worthwhile getting this part of 4.09. It adds a lot to the game.


Features that have been Dropped from 4.0:-


Full mission Builder Plus by (FC). Increased functionality for map builders.

If you are a mission builder or map designer this is highly recommended, however installed as standard it created
compatibility problems online and is quite bulky.

Anyone that knows enough to use this will also know enough to install it if they wish too is our logic !


The 4.09 full release comes with a more developed version (also by FC) with more features , We ported this into HSFX as a better option.


Special thanks:-

Oleg & the 1C team.

Team Daidalos for 4.09

4Shades for giving us SEOW and more recently directly helping with development

FC & LesniHU for being prepared to answer our questions and help whenever we ran into
major problems

Team C6 (Vtrelut, rollnloop, C6_Claymore, UFF_fernand, UFF_Josse , Obelix) and Hades (Ultrapack) for their co-operation and
substantial contribution to development. We especially would like to wish Josse good health and future happyness and thank him for his
massive contribution to IL2 over the past year,

Play testers
Thank You to-
102nd Yu for a super effort (Devil & Cmirko should get a DSO for this one),
242Sqn and the old guard (for putting up with me),
22GCT for steady and unfailing support,
Diavoli Rossi for constantly surprising us,
SAS_Cirx for spotting and fixing things at an astonishing rate,
Brigstock, PA_Dore, Ikea, Brandle, Warg and Ranwars ….for keeping everything on track when I could no longer think straight !

Certainly many more people are involved than those I have listed. There is a lot of collaboration and cross co-operation
necessary to produce all of this work and it gets a little difficult as so many things are derivative of many others.

If you read this and feel that you should be included, then please communicate.

To get more information and complete credits for individual most mods, you should visit
http:// allaircraftarcade.com/forum/index.php


SAS forums :-

http:// specialaircraftservice.com/sas/index.php




http:// il2ultrapack.net46.net/index.php




All of the work contained is based upon the code or other work of Oleg Maddox and IC games. Nothing that
has been created would be of any use whatsoever without IL2.

It is all therefore ‘Freeware’ and we must be extremely grateful for the many people listed (and missed) that have
devoted thousands of hours of their time to make such freeware and make such a project possible.

We do not lay claim to anything at all contained within

Most importantly, we have been able to put this compilation of work into a format in which you now get the quality
and speed which you deserve and also does justice to IL2 itself.

So….thank you again Oleg for tolerating the mod scene which made all of this possible.
I hope you don’t take too much offence to what we did to your lovely game.
And finally, here's a link Razgriz posted to an article about combining Ultr@Pack 1.8 and HSFX 4;

Colonel Tiger
Commanding Officer
3rd Pursuit Squadron, HELL'S ANGELS


"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


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